Springlife Medical & Health Clinic is an accredited teaching practice and Dr Nimmy Chrishanthan is involved in medical education as an accredited supervisor for GP Registrar training.
As a teaching practice, througout the year Springlife Medical & Health Clinic also hosts 1st year through to 5th year medical students from the University of Notre Dame and the Western Sydney University.
As a supervisor you are not only a GP who teaches but also someone who inspires and supports the next generation of GPs through their years of training. Supervisors offer one-on-one teaching, supervision, support, feedback and advice.

In March 2022, Dr Nimmy was appointed to the position of Adjunct Clinical Senior Lecturer in the School of Medicine, Sydney Campus at The University of Notre Dame, Australia.
In January 2023, Dr Nimmy received an Honorary Academic Appointment as a Conjoint Lecturer in the School of Medicine with Western Sydney University.
In 2023 and 2024, Springlife Medical and Health Clinic continues to support Medical Students from Western Sydney University. With the time the Medical Students are with the practice, Dr Nimmy focuses on teaching about professionalism, communication skills, ethics and the importance of general practice in a well-functioning health system.